Sunday, 17 March 2013

Q3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our production would be more suited to an independent company in Europe, this would appeal to our niche audience.

Films with similar conventions to ours such as LA Confidential were distributed by Warner Bros, this is high end distributor while distributes box office films such as; The Hobbit, The Dark Knight Rises and Harry Potter, our film can't be placed with those.

The production company of our production would be best suited to be Working Title, they produce a wide range of films, some of these being independent features which don't become major box office hits such as; Senna and Anna Karenina, these are also very different films which show that Working Title produce a wide variety of film. A list of Working Titles most recent productions can be seen to the right.

StudioCanal who distribute many of Working Title's films around Europe would be best for our production.
Studio Canal bought Optimum, since doing so they have dominated the UK independent film industry by distributing their large back catalogue of classic British films through Optimum. This would then allow our production to be viewed by a large number of British audiences.
A list of there most recent distributions can be seen on the right.

Cinema city would exhibit our production as it is aimed at an independent audience and Cinema City is an upmarket/art house cinema which provides audiences with Green and Blacks chocolate, tea and wine, these are more catered to our sophisticated audience.
Currently playing at Cinema City; Alois Nebel, Argo and Arbitrage, all of these aren't playing at multiplex cinemas such as Vue due to their independence, our production would fit in with these.

Digital technologies such as Mubi can allow online users to watch our film, Mubi provides independent and old films to subscribers, this could also allow our film to be opened up to a whole new audience, I believe Video-On-Demand would be the best digital technology to distribute our production, this includes LoveFilm.
On the 28th September 2011 StudioCanal  made a deal to have their films made available on LoveFilm on their subscription at no extra coast, this shows that StudioCanal are aware of this new digitalisation and that large numbers of people are now turning to home cinema. This also means that StudioCanal may be making more deals or buying or creating their own company to stream their films to homes over the country.

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